2015 Favorite Reads
I wouldn't have always considered myself a reader. Sure, I made it through the classics at one point or another during my ""formative" years but the only extra reading that happened outside of that was in the form of a Seventeen magazine.
Let's just say I have come a long way. Now I love to read; it fills me with life and the possibilities seem endless. A few years back I made it a goal to read one book per month- no strings attached and guess what? It stuck. This year I am up to 28 books and counting. Whether it be fiction or nonfiction I usually have at least two books going from each category at any given time. There is no method to my madness. Of the books I have read this year, eight stick out so I thought I would share. Happy Reading!
The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
This book was full and I mean full of character development! Set in twelfth century England the history alone was enough to keep me turning the pages. It's not for the faint of heart though, at 973 pages you quickly become invested and stay that way for some time! It was an enjoyable story- even my husband managed to read it and agrees.
100 Days of Real Food by Lisa Leake
Can I include a cookbook in my top reads this year? In my defense, the recipes have been basically fool proof and delicious so far, but the handful of chapters in the front of the book top the cake. She beautifully explains the ins and outs behind what this "real food" deal is all about. This cookbook has the potential to change the way you eat!
The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian
Coming at you straight out of the 80's (OK, so maybe not but the cover is rough) this book is a classic. I read this about 10 years ago as a newlywed and picked it back up again this year only to be reminded that the principles are tried and true. I recommend using this book more like a devotional. Each chapter has a few pages of reading and then a prayer to pray over your husband. It's powerful stuff people. Also, since this book Stormie has gone on to write multiple books on the Power of a Praying _________ so you can find one to suite your role.
The Good and Beautiful Life by James Bryan Smith
First of all, if you haven't read The Good and Beautiful God, start there. This is the second book in a series of 3. Although this one was good, the first one was a game changer for me in regards to faith. Both books expose false notions about God and our relationship with him. It's a book of health and perspective- especially if you have "grown up in the church."
The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
Yes, yes, and yes! A must read if you a Mom. Loved it. Loved the concepts. Super impact-full. Enough said.
Grace Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel
My husband and I both read this one and felt it was such a refreshing way to view parenting! We are offered grace from God and as we choose to display grace to our children a solid foundation is formed. There are so many concepts and take away's from this book. It's loaded with truth and hope.
For the Love by Jen Hatmaker
Overall, I loved most everything about this book. Between the constant humor, random recipes, and stand up comedy routines were bits of life changing truth. I appreciate her honesty and take on things. It was kind of a breath of fresh air to read because it wasn't the norm.
Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker
Last but not least, my favorite book from 2015 was Interrupted. As Jen shared her own personal journey through Jesus wrecking her comfortable Christianity my head and heart nodded along side every page. So much inspiration and eternal perspective is tucked in between these pages. I think I wrote half of the book down in quotes.
Let's just say I have come a long way. Now I love to read; it fills me with life and the possibilities seem endless. A few years back I made it a goal to read one book per month- no strings attached and guess what? It stuck. This year I am up to 28 books and counting. Whether it be fiction or nonfiction I usually have at least two books going from each category at any given time. There is no method to my madness. Of the books I have read this year, eight stick out so I thought I would share. Happy Reading!

This book was full and I mean full of character development! Set in twelfth century England the history alone was enough to keep me turning the pages. It's not for the faint of heart though, at 973 pages you quickly become invested and stay that way for some time! It was an enjoyable story- even my husband managed to read it and agrees.

Can I include a cookbook in my top reads this year? In my defense, the recipes have been basically fool proof and delicious so far, but the handful of chapters in the front of the book top the cake. She beautifully explains the ins and outs behind what this "real food" deal is all about. This cookbook has the potential to change the way you eat!

Coming at you straight out of the 80's (OK, so maybe not but the cover is rough) this book is a classic. I read this about 10 years ago as a newlywed and picked it back up again this year only to be reminded that the principles are tried and true. I recommend using this book more like a devotional. Each chapter has a few pages of reading and then a prayer to pray over your husband. It's powerful stuff people. Also, since this book Stormie has gone on to write multiple books on the Power of a Praying _________ so you can find one to suite your role.

First of all, if you haven't read The Good and Beautiful God, start there. This is the second book in a series of 3. Although this one was good, the first one was a game changer for me in regards to faith. Both books expose false notions about God and our relationship with him. It's a book of health and perspective- especially if you have "grown up in the church."

Yes, yes, and yes! A must read if you a Mom. Loved it. Loved the concepts. Super impact-full. Enough said.

My husband and I both read this one and felt it was such a refreshing way to view parenting! We are offered grace from God and as we choose to display grace to our children a solid foundation is formed. There are so many concepts and take away's from this book. It's loaded with truth and hope.

Overall, I loved most everything about this book. Between the constant humor, random recipes, and stand up comedy routines were bits of life changing truth. I appreciate her honesty and take on things. It was kind of a breath of fresh air to read because it wasn't the norm.

Last but not least, my favorite book from 2015 was Interrupted. As Jen shared her own personal journey through Jesus wrecking her comfortable Christianity my head and heart nodded along side every page. So much inspiration and eternal perspective is tucked in between these pages. I think I wrote half of the book down in quotes.
"Daring Greatly" by Brene Brown is my top pick! You've reviewed some great ones, Nicki! :-)