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Camino Post #5- Halfway Through

 Today we completed day three of walking which means we have 3 days to go before we reach Santiago de Compostela. That thought is bittersweet. Going into this we assumed we wouldn’t really love the hiking part and would roll our eyes at having to get up and do it again the next day. We thought our favorite part would be the sightseeing we are doing at the end. The opposite has been true. While on the Camino there is surprise around every corner. It’s all so new, beautiful, and unique I can’t stop taking pictures. I feel a bit like a kid in a candy store. (But replace the candy with espresso of course!) 

Up before the sun today.

We started our day walking along the ocean before climbing high above it. We walked over picture perfect bridges and past Spanish houses with beautiful flower arrangements that splash vibrant color along the route. One of my favorite parts today was seeing the creative vendors that pop up along parts of the path selling everything from souvenirs to bandaids to food. The culture the Camino creates is one you instantly feel a part of. That in itself is beautiful too. 

A woman tending her flowers on the route.

The seashell on their packs signify the Camino.

Out in the middle of nowhere on the path.

This vendor created a beautiful space to stop and rest.

Many people on the path today.

At one very rocky point on the trail today we realized we were constantly looking down. You had to focus on each step to avoid tripping. In order to not miss the beauty around us we began to force ourselves to stop and simply look up once in a while. Life is like that so often for us. We are so focused on each step and not stumbling that we forget to stop, look around, and take it all in. 

I still don’t exactly know what a Spiritual Pilgrimage is in all its fullness yet, but I think we are beginning to feel it if that makes sense. 

Buen Camino,

Nicki & Paul 

We explored Pontevedra today. What an amazing city!

Thankful to stay in a place with AC tonight after a long day of hiking. 


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